all about
Located at:
The Kansas City Zoo Main Entrance
2019 Run for the Tree Kangaroo
2018 Run for the Giraffes
2017 Run for the Elephants – individuals
2017 Run for the Elephants – teams
2016 Run for the Gorilla
2015 Run for the Orangutans
2014 Run for the King Penguins
2013 Run for the Penguins
2012 Run for the Sumatran Tiger
2011 Run for the Black Footed Cat
2010 Run for the Polar Bear
2009 Run for the Chimps
2008 Run for the Frogs
2007 Run for the Orangutans
2020 Run for the Sloths
2022 Run for the sharks
2021 Run for the Koalas
results for the 2025 run for the lions will be available within a few hours of the run
2024 run for the sea lions
- Starts on Startlight Drive.
- The start line is approximately .5 miles from the main entrance. Please allow extra time to arrive.
- Run starts in waves. Please line up according to the wave signs
- Strollers must line up with the walkers and will not be allowed to run
- No dogs allowed inside the Zoo.
- Please finish the event and use your free entry to go back into the Zoo to see the animals. The finish line closes at 11:30am.
4 mile walk/run through the Kansas City Zoo starting in Swope Park!
8:30 AM
For 2025, all participants will sign up according to their estimated minute per mile. Bib and corral information will be provided according to your estimate finishing time.
Elite Runner, <7:00 min mile
7:00-8:00 min mile
8:00 – 9:00 min mile
9:00 – 10:00 min mile
10:00 – 11:00 min mile
11:00 – 12:00 min mile
12:00 – 13:00 min mile
13:00 – 14:00 min mile
Walker >14:00 min mile
Specific signing will divide each wave. If you choose to run with others, please sign up according to the slower time.
1 mile fun run/walk through the zoo! Great for families, kids, and strollers
9:45 AM
If you sign up for the 4 mile event, you can also participate in the 1 mile event at 9:45 am, with other 1 mile participants, as long as you are still wearing your 4 Mile bib, for no extra charge.
*4 mile medals will be given only to 4 mile participants and 1 mile medals will be given to only 1 Mile participants. NOTE: Medals will only be given to participants wearing the appropriate bib.
- Starts near Elephant Exhibit inside the Zoo - Enter through main gate
- 1-Mile runners should arrive at the starting line no later than 9:30am to avoid congestion with walkers and strollers
- Strollers must line up with the walkers and are not allowed to run
- No dogs allowed inside the Zoo.
- Please finish the event and use your free entry to go back into the Zoo to see the animals. The finish line closes at 11am.
No warm up will be allowed inside the Zoo. All warm up and cool down should take place outside the Zoo in Swope Park.
Warm Up:
Chip timing will be used in the 4-Mile event. The 1-Mile event will not be timed.
Please note if it has rained or there is dew from the night before, some of the wooden bridges and walkways could be slippery, so please take caution. For the safety of all participants, radio headsets, roller skates, roller blades, bicycles and dogs are NOT allowed on the course, with the exception of strollers or joggers allowed for walkers in the 4 mile and the 1 mile event. If first aid is needed, contact Zoo Personnel. The Zoo Run course is like a trail run and has some narrow pathways and irregular pavement. Please make sure you stay to your right at all times, and please yield to runners who will be coming from behind.
Participant Course Safety:
aid stations:
Water and sports drinks will be provided at 2 Aid Stations throughout the course. See map for specific locations.
Please wear your bib on your front side for photos. Your bib has a tear tag for a 1 day entry into the Zoo on it. Your Zoo ticket is good until 12/31/2025 (1 use only). Make sure you have it with you if you need to leave and come back.
Chip Timing:
sponsored by:
The Mane Parking Lot
Come join us for some fun and support some great expo vendors
Spectator Rates from 8-10 am (tickets are good for all-day admission)
Ages 12-54 - $12.50
Ages 3-11 - $11
* right click above to download if you would like to print it!